Prof. Ricardo J. Rabelo

Full Professor in the Department of Automation and Systems (DAS), at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) since January, 2000.

  • Member of the Graduate Program in Automation and Systems Engineering (PPGEAS) at UFSC.
  • General Coordinator of the institutional project PrInt CAPES-UFSC Automation 4.0 (“Automation, Control and Computing Systems for Industry and Services 4.0“).
  • Leader of the Research Group GSIGMA – Group of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems ∑ Collaborative Networks.
  • Member of the Innovation Committee of UFSC, of the Innovation Secretary (SINOVA).
  • Works in Teaching (undergraduate and graduate courses), Research and Outreaching, mainly in projects in collaboration with private companies, on several areas.

Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC
School of Technology – CTC
Department of Automation and Systems Engineering – DAS
Florianópolis (SC) – Brazil
PO box 476 Zip code 88040-900

E-mail: (primary)  / (secondary)
Phone: (+ 55 48) 3721-7676 (direct)
VoIP: (+55 48) 3721-4841 Fax:(+ 55 48) 3721-9934

Page updated in April, 2021.